The University of Kyrenia is proud of hosting the 6th International Congress on Engineering and Life Science (ICELIS) which is one of the premier academic and professional organizations that unites many researchers, scientists, engineers, and industry professionals from all around the world. This interdisciplinary congress serves as a platform for sharing innovative ideas, groundbreaking research, and practical applications in the fields of engineering and life sciences.
University of Kyrenia is one of the rising educational institutions in the field of engineering and science in Northern Cyprus. Our main aim since the day it was founded is to support and present these prestigious education and research activities that make a difference with their quality. We need qualified scientists who will shape the future. These types of events are places where science is produced and discussed and their continuation is essential for our globalizing world.
I am sure that the participants will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, attend keynote presentations by renowned experts, and network with peers to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Being aware of your efforts and valuable time devoted to this congress a warm and inclusive welcome to all participants.
Prof. Dr. İlkay SALİHOĞLU Rector University of Kyrenia
6th ICELIS is a hybrid congress. Attendants can choose virtual or physical participation.
The congress language is English, meaning that all abstract, full text, poster or oral presentation textsmust be prepared in English.
However, presentations can be performed in English or Turkish.
Full text proceedings presented in the congress will be published in the congress book (Note for Turkish Participants: The congress complies with the current associate professorship criteria and academic incentive regulation). However, authors who would like to publish their work in a journal can submit their full texts to journals below. The papers will be considered for publication in these journals free of charge after editorial evaluation and peer-review process.