Dear Researchers, 

Welcome to the 5th International Congress on Engineering and Life Science! As you will soon notice, this is an event dedicated to connecting scientists beyond borders and ignite cooperations which can be transformative – for a project or for an entire industry. 

More than two centuries ago, the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest was founded to accelerate Romania’s industrial revolution. Today, we are one of the most prolific universities in the region – with over 40.000 registered students and a community recognized for the important contributions brought to society and industry. Moreover, we are hosts to the largest research infrastructure in the country. 

Our underlying philosophy and aim is to be an international collaboration platform, a beacon able to help researchers connect, create and share knowledge. It is the reason to why we are hosts to the most diverse, significant and interesting events, symposia and workshops. And we certainly hope the current event will help you create partnerships and great outcomes.

With this in mind, I would like to express our community’s pleasure to host you at the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, the Piteşti University Center, between 10-12 September 2024. 

Honorary Chair

Rector-National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest

ICELIS 2024 is a hybrid congress. Attendants can choose virtual or physical participation.

The congress language is English, meaning that all abstract, full text, poster or oral presentation texts must be prepared in English.

However, oral presentations can be performed in English, Romanian or Turkish.




Full text proceedings presented in the congress will be published in the congress book (Note for Turkish Participants: The congress complies with the current associate professorship criteria and academic incentive regulation). However, authors who would like to publish their work in a journal can submit their full texts to journals below. The papers will be considered for publication in these journals free of charge after editorial evaluation and peer-review process.