Accepted Papers (Last updated: August 19th, 2024, 22:20 GMT+3)

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Keynote Speaker
Getting Life Science Moving to Engineering; The progress of Optimization + Automation + IoT
Keynote Speaker
Alessio PAPINI
Autophagy and Stress in Plants
Keynote Speaker
Climate Change, Net Zero, Technology and Ethics
Onur ÇOLAKNumerical Investigation of the Effect of Cross-Member Locations and Connection Geometries on Torsional Behavior of a Light Commercial Truck Chassis
Rizalyn PICOY-GONZALESThe Small-scale Tuna Fishery in Leyte, Eastern Visayas, Philippines
Albaris B. TAHILUDDINEffects of Seagrass Wrack Extract as Biofertilizers on the Growth, Ice-ice Disease Prevalence, and Carrageenan Quality of Eucheumatoid Seaweed Kappaphycus striatus
Ertugrul TERZIAbundance of Marine Microorganisms on the Farmed Eucheumatoid Seaweeds (Kappaphycus spp.)
Merilyn Que AMLANIComparative Study on the Sensory Quality Attributes of Various Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Chip Formulations
Jonald BORNALESHook and Line Fishery in Coastal Areas of Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao, BARMM, Philippines
Abundance and Characteristics of Microplastics in Commercially Sold Fishes from General Santos City Fish Port Complex, Philippines
Suhana A. ABDURAUPEffects of Different Natural Diets on the Growth, Serum Protein, and Survival of Blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aisa Mae CAMSAINCharacterization of Oven-Dried Sea Grapes Caulerpa lentillifera Stolon
Gindol Rey LIMBAROFactors Influencing the Conservation of Trees in Urban Green Space in Timako Hill, Kalanganan II, Cotabato City, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Philippines
Mehmet Ali AKSANArc-Melting Fabrication of 45S5 Bioactive Glasses
Levent BATMacro- and Microplastic Contamination in the Sinop Coast of the Black Sea
Said LAARIBYADeterminants of the Distribution Potential of Endangered Endemic Forest Species Case Study – Morocco
Özgür ÖZTÜRKTuning the Properties of Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanorods through Nickel Doping: A Study of Structural, Morphological, and Optical Modifications
Turgay SEYDİOĞLUGd-Doping Induced Structural and Morphological Modifications in Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanorods
Hasan DEMİRA Comparative Performance Analysis of LSTM Autoencoder And TimeGPT Models in Time Series Anomaly Detection
Haluk KORALAYElectrical and Morphological Investigation of Schottky Devices from Monolayer and a Double Layer Oxide Interface
Zoia YEMETSEconomic Efficiency of the Production of Complete Ration Compound Feed using Protein and Vitamin Supplements for Broiler Chickens Aged 6-8 Weeks 5%
Melike ERDOĞANIdentification of Critical Factors for Risk Assessment Studies in Pharmaceutical Warehouses
Devrim BİLDİRİCİMass Reduction Study of a High Pressure Die Casting Aluminum Alloy Engine Part
Anđelka STOJANOVIĆMapping the Second-Level Digital Divide: A study of Internet Skills and Usage Among Older Adults in European Countries
Wahaymin JAMILEffects of Dietary Microplastics Inclusion on the Blood Profile and Stress Response of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758)
Isidora MILOŠEVIĆEmployee Acceptance and Implementation of Digital Business Platforms: A Cross-Country Study
Feride TUĞRULComparison of Calculation Methods of Criterion Weights thanks to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
Mehtap BAYIRRecent Progress in Crispr-Cas9 in Aquatic Model Organisms
Computational Study of the fkbp Prolyl Isomerase 3 Gene in Fugu (Takifugu rubripes): Understanding Molecular Mechanisms and Functional Consequences
Ozge AKCAYEigenfunction Expansion of Sturm-Liouville Operator with Discontinuous Coefficient Under Transmission Conditions
Iuliana Mihaela LAZARAn Analysis of the Education and Gender Influencing the Information Society Indicators in the European Union Countries
Digital Skills across the European Union: Progress and Challenges
Tatiana MARCHENKOYield and Harvesting Moisture of Grain of Corn Hybrids at Different Sowing Dates
Maya DZHAMFungicidal Control of Botritis cinerea on Strawberry Plantations in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine
Iryna ISHCHENKOIncreasing the Resistance of Grape Plants Under the Influence of Growth Stimulants
Yurii SAVCHUKAgrobiological Characteristics and Technological Features of Clones of Technical Grape Varieties Identified at the National Science Center «V.Ye. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»
Olena BEZALTYCHNABehavioral Activity of Cows under Conditions of Year-Round Untethered Box Housing and Temperature Stress
Technological Properties of Skin and Pelt Qualities of Karakul Lambs
Oleg KRAINOVEfficiency of Use of Evolution Graminicide in the Sunflower Protection System
Ihor SLIUSARENKOEffectiveness of Using Chlorella Microalgae Suspension in Rations of Lactating Goats
Deniz BAŞTUĞNew Techniques and Applications for Erosion Prevention
Tuğrul Turan SARIIncrease Soil Organic Matter (SOM) and Reduce Carbon Footprint
Sadık ÖZDEMİRWater Holding Capacity and Water Movement of Soils
Gökben TOPALInvestigation of Soil Salinity and Properties in the Meriç Delta with GIS Techniques
Hüseyin SARIGains to Soil from the Use of Legume Forage Crops as Green Fertilizer
Taha KOÇEffect of Reduced Tillage System on Sunflower Yield
Azmi ERDOĞANThe Effect of Siliconizing Process on the Wear Resistance of Inconel 738
Binnur MERİÇLİ YAPICIInvestigation of the Effectiveness of Some Essential Oils Alone and Synergic Combinations Against Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus
Maya DZHAMInfluence of Agrobiological Characteristics of Potato Varieties on Harvest Quality Indicators
Harun  ARSLANMolecular Cloning and Characterization of CRABP (Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein) Gene in Trout (Salmo trutta) in Trout Liver Tissue and Determination
Ruslan SOLOMONOVYield of New Varieties of Pea Under the Conditions of the Steppe Area Ukraine
Hacer ÜÇÜNCÜAerosol Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System: A Literature Review
Hilal ÜRÜŞAN ALTUNThe Effects of Turmeric Powder (Curcuma longa) Supplementation into Broiler Diet on Color Parameters and Sensory Evaluation
Merilyn LAUHARIInvestigating Gastropod and Bivalve Market Dynamics During Ramadan in Tawi Tawi, Philippines
Zeynep SÖNMEZBibliometric Analysis of GWAS Technologies in Livestock 
Assmaa ALAOUIEthnobotanical and Floristic Study in the Maamora Forest, Morocco
Liudmyla POPOVAComparison of the Cost of Heating Indoor Structures with Different Types of Biofuel
Salih YILMAZComparison of Optimization Algorithms for Cost and Benefit Analysis in Water Loss Management
Cost and Benefit Analysis for Leakage Detection and Reduction Practices with the Regional Correlator Method
Ahmet Tolga TAŞÇIInvestigation of Some Physical Properties of MOS Type ZnO Based Nanorods Diodes
Mustafa Nuri DOLMAZMagnetic-Tectonic Investigation between Nevşehir-Kayseri-Niğde, Central Türkiye
Boris MORARIImpact of Oenological Tannin Addition during Fermentation-Maceration Process on the Phenolic Complex at the Production of Dry Red from Copceac and Feteasca Neagră Grape Varieties
Olga SOLDATENCOThe Influence of Indigenous Yeast Strains for the Production of Dry Red Wines on the Concentration of Phenolic Substances and Color Indices
Oleksandr RUDIKPost-Harvest Sowing of Grain Crops in the System of Intensive Farming 
Oil Flax in the Farming System of the Steppe Zone
Derya DINCYUREK EKICIHybrid Magnetic Quantum Dot-Carbon Nanotube Nanostructures
Yiğit TAŞTANArtificial Neural Networks Modelling for Nitrate Prediction of Surface Water of Gökırmak River (Türkiye)
Semih KALEDetermination of Changes in the Water Surface Area of Ayvacık Dam (Çanakkale, Türkiye) Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Sefa ACARLIThe Promising News for the Endangered Species Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758 in the Çanakkale Strait and the Marmara Sea (Türkiye)
Stepan VARBANA Study of the Lactation Potential of Jersey Cows in the Conditions of the Budzhak Steppe
Ana GRIBCOVAPhysiological Characteristics of the Bianca Variety when Grown on Slopes
Alla CARAEffect of Peat-Based Feed Additive on Performance of Laying Hens
Serghei CARADevelopment of Introduced European Selection Grape Clones in the ATU Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova
Physiological Adaptability of Grapevines to External Growing Conditions
Mehmet BEKTAŞNesting Behaviors and Competencies of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
Investigate Use of Insect Larvae in Food Rations of Goldfish and Chickens After Experiments of Small-Scale Insect Farms
Ertuğrul ÇAVDARExotic Fish Species of Kastamonu Province
Maria Liza TORING-FARQUERABAOSmall-Scale Fishery Operation of Fish Corral in Sibutu, Tawi-Tawi, Southern Philippines
Pınar OĞUZHAN YILDIZSeafood Allergy
Haci İsmail KESİKEffects of Water-Based Thermal Insulation Paint Applied to Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Wood Wall Panels on the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient
Effects of Cellulosic Lacquer Paint Applied to Furniture Edge Bandings on Adhesion and Fire Resistance
Monica Angela NEBLEAThe Impact of Anthropozoogenic Activity on Grasslands in the Sub-Mountain Zone. Case Study: Sasului Valley-Argeș County, Romania
Mohamed Omar Abdalla SALEMDetermination of Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) Essential Oil
Virtual Laboratory in Biology Education: New E-Learning Tool
Nicoleta Anca SUTANCost-Effective and Time-Efficient Biosynthesis of Bioactive Nanoparticles Using Crude Plant Extracts: Unveiling Biological Activities
Aleksandar DIMITROVApplication of Statistical Methods for Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment
Monica Angela NEBLEAAnalysis of Controlled Cutting and Regeneration, Sustainable Strategies for Forest Conservation
Mădălina-Cristina MARIANStimulating Students for Learning Development through Research
Kenan GEDİKMicroplastics in the Turkish marine environment: surface water, sediment and biota
Mustafa KARGAAssessing Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Offshore Aquaculture Systems in Türkiye
Liliana Cristina SOAREImpact of Silver Nanoparticles on Polyphenolic Content and Proline Accumulation in Cucumis sativus L. Seedlings
Nüket SİVRİIndividual Plastic Footprint and Plastic Waste Awareness: The Case of Türkiye
Floriefe GONZAGA-TORINOFood and Feeding Habits of Freshwater Fishes in Lake Wood, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines
İbrahim Ethem POLATComparative Analysis of the Effect of Changes in Machine Equipment Characteristics on the Temperature Distribution on the Machine and the Cooking of Soybeans during Extrusion in Full-Fat Soybean Extruders
Improving the Sievability of High Valued Zinc Borate in Centrifugal Screener by Mechanical Methods
Burcu Begüm KENANOĞLUEffects of Solid Matrix Priming on Spinach Seed Vigor
Mustafa Nuri DOLMAZMagnetic-Depth Estimation and Geophysical Investigation of Cappadocia Volcanic Province, Central Türkiye
Mohamed KHIARIAntibacterial Efficacy of Pistacia lentiscus Extracts
Bayram KIZILKAYAA Study on the Shell Structure and Chemical Composition of Flexopecten glaber (Linnaeus, 1758) Collected from Bandırma Bay, the Sea of Marmara
Monthly Variations in Mineral Contents of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 Collected on the Kefken Coast, Western Black Sea (Türkiye)
Fatih KORKMAZReproduction Traits of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Effects of Two Different Commercial Feeds on the Growth of Fry
İlknur ZEREN ÇETİNClimate Resilience Modelling at OMU Green University Krupelit Campus
Determining Green Spaces as a Green University Strategy Based on Their Impact on Air Quality: OMU Krupelit Campus
Evaluating the Impact of Sustainable Green Campus Initiatives on Air Quality at University Campuses
Mehmet ÇETİNEvaluation of Climate Parameters and Biocomfort Analysis in Mersin Province
Identification of Biocomfortable Areas using the New Summer Index in Sinop
Impact of Climatic Parameters on Settlement Preferences
Rizal Jhunn F. ROBLESAssessing the Economic Potential of Sea Urchin Roe Trade in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines during Ramadan
Khadiza IMLANA Comparative Study on the Species Composition and Catch Efficiency of Two Different Designs of Fish Pots
Al-Nasrif H. KISSAEEffects of Hermit Crab Meal as an Alternative to Fish Meal on Growth, Survival, and Feed Utilization of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758)
Harun ARSLANFeed Alternatives for Ornamental Fish and Risks
Merve ŞENOL KOTANThe Effect of Pantoea agglomerans on the Growth and Macro-Micro Element Content of Begonia semperflorens
Hamda AZMATFrom Tiny Particles to Big Problems: The Story of Microplastics
Burcu Begüm KENANOĞLUThe Effects of Various Moringa Extracts on Spinach Seed Performance in Different Growing Media
Aminashedralyn SANSAWIEvaluation of Fermented Banana Peel on the Survival Rate and Growth Performance of Juvenile Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Pond Culture
Olena BEZALTYCHNATechnological Processes of Breeding and Intensity of Growth of the Karakul Lambs
Production of Environmentally Safe Beekeeping Products under Conditions of the Southern Region of Ukraine
Sinan ÖZCANThe Pearl of Munzur, “Red Spotted Trout”
Suitability for Aquaculture in Uzunçayır Dam Lake (Tunceli, Türkiye)
Ionuț-Alexandru CHELARUEffects of Co-Exposure to Simple and Mixed Treatments Involving Polypropylene and Ketoprofen on Zebrafish Behavior
Maria OPREAAn Overview on the Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil: Production, Specifications, Performance in Use
Faruk ERKENOnline Dead Time Compensator for PMSM Based On Harmonic Injection
Feyza İÇOĞLU AKSAKALThe Use of Daphnia magna to Evaluate the Toxic Effects of CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles
Rabia KORKMAZ TANEnhancing K-Means Clustering Performance with Genetic Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis
Oytun Emre SAKICIThe Effects of Some Stand Characteristics on Stand-Level Biomass Allocation in Scots Pine Stands
Angelica BERMILSmall-Scale Fisheries in Sanga-Sanga, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Raida K. HASSANAssessing Fish By-Product as a Fish Meal Replacement in Tilapia Fry Diets
Liliana Cristina SOARETherapeutic Potential of the Self-Heal Herb Prunella vulgaris L.
Muhammed Ahmet ÇOBANOĞLUInvestigation of the Effect of Electrode Type on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in the Welding Process of Miilux 500 Protection Armor Steels with Shielded Metal Arc Welding Method
Maria Denisa CONETEThe First Record of Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron and Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) in the North of Olt County
Shada-Wati H. KISSAECatch Per Unit Effort and Length-Weight Relationship of Target Fish Species in Fish Corral Fishing Operations in Sibutu, Tawi-Tawi, Southern Philippines
Bucăloiu CONSTANȚAActive Principles Contained in the Species Prunella vulgaris L.
Methods of Drying and Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Plants
Bucăloiu IONELAGreen Algae-Bioindicators of the River Ialomița
Analysis of the Physico-Chemical Indicators of the Water of the Ialomița River
Muhammad Al-Masil J. MAUJUDExploring the Effect of Fertilizers on the Growth of Red Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii Farmed in Simunul, Tawi-Tawi
Suman MANNAToxicity of Cigarette Butts on Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831)
Marhamin H. JUMSALIGrowth Performance and Survival Rate of Mangrove Whelk (Terebralia sulcata) Fed with Different Natural Diets
Raziye IŞIK KALPARRecent Advances in Genome Editing in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Jurmin H. SARRIGonadal Somatic Index and Length-Weight Relationship of Mackerel Scad Decapterus macarellus Landed in Bongao Wet Market, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Gouranga BISWASThe Flavonoid Compound, Quercetin Promotes Growth and Captive Maturation in Highfin Barb, Oreichthys crenuchoides
Emely M. TALAIDArtisanal Fishery of Bigfin Reef Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Landed in Bongao Wet Market, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Dolly Claire IBNOEvaluating Growth and Survival of Mugil cephalus Fry with Telescope Snail Meal Inclusion in Formulated Diets
Sweta PRADHANEffect of Different Implantation Methods in Freshwater Mussel, Lamellidens marginalis with respect to Stress Parameters, Immune Parameters, And Hematological Parameters
Ercan OKTANThe Use of Forest Products as a Renewable Energy Source: Biomass Energy Potential from Forest Residues
Noriam L. JALAIDIEffect of Nutrient Enrichments on the Survival Rate and Disease Occurrence of Seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum in Micro-Propagule Indoor Culture
Melek EKİNCİContribution of Low Nitrogen to Cabbage Seedling Growth in Water Deficit
Plant Growth Stimulators-Enriched Surfactant Improve Growth of Lettuce Seedlings
Bojan SIMOVSKIIntroduced and Invasive Alien Woody Species in North Macedonia (GRIIS v1.3)
Derya ÖĞÜT YAVUZThe Allelopathic Effect of Some Organic Husks and Coffee Waste on Germination of Lolium perenne L. and Agrostemma githago L.
Determination of Awareness Levels of Vineyard Producers about Weeds and Weed Control: Alaşehir (Manisa) Case
Gerly-Ayn TUPASAssessing the Viability of Chicken Manure as a Nutrient Source for Nannochloropsis oculata: A Comparative Study with Conventional Media
Amira Rayene DIBIEvaluation of Indoor Fungal Contamination of Traditional Public Baths in Algeria
Osman Nezih KENANOĞLUThe Function of Cytokines in Fish Immunity
Muhammed ATAMANALPWhat is Happening in the Micro World of Plastics in Türkiye?
Yiğit TAŞTANGenotoxicity of Glyphosate on Aquatic Organisms: A Review
Adem Yavuz SÖNMEZTurkish Salmon
Fırat SEFAOĞLUEffect of Some Nano Particles on Germination Data Against Salt Stress in Sugar Beet
Raziye IŞIK KALPARCRISPR-Cas9 Applications in Cattle: Advancing Gene Editing for Improved Traits and Disease Resistance
Andrii DOKHTORUKRestoration of Predator Biodiversity in Strawberry Fields through the Use of Lobularia maritima in Dnipro, Ukraine
Nadezhda POSPELOVA KUZMINAIdentification of Some Patterns of Accumulation of Elements in Assimilation Organs of Scots Pine Pínus sylvéstris L. and Silver Birch Betula pendula Roth. and Identification of Some Patterns in Zones of Aerotechnogenic Magnesite Pollution in the Southern Urals of Russia
Fakhira KHALIDEvaluation of Cyto-Genotoxicity and Histological Alterations in Arsenic Exposed Labeo rohita and Its Mitigation with Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract
Nihan AKINCI KENANOĞLUA Review on the Genotoxic Potential of Antibiotics on Aquatic Organisms
Victor SFECLĂCorno-Quercetum petraeae Máthé et Kovács 1962 Association (Quercion pubescenti-petraeae Br.-Bl. 1932) in the “Dobrușa” Landscape Reserve in the Republic of Moldova
Steven ALLABYSemiconducting Textiles via Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition
Hazal BAŞAR YILMAZEffect of Chitosan on the Color Profile of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillets Stored at the Refrigerator
Mariana B. A. FRAGOMENILow Impact Development (LID) on Campus: A Case Study of the University of Connecticut’s Storrs Campus
Alina DUMITRACHE PĂUNESCUProfibrogenic Factors and Their Involvement in the Development of Hepatic Fibrosis
Brian AUSTINImpact of AI on Publishing: Current Status and Future Focus
Monica Marilena ȚÂNȚUReconstruction Methods in Lip Cancer – Case Report
Fadime SAĞLAMVariation in Bark Thickness of Pinus sylvestris L. in Kastamonu Region of Türkiye
Ercan OKTANIs Clear Cutting an Ecologically Correct Preference in Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)?